Cinema industry

In general

The cinema industry is a branch of the industry that continually requires innovations, new approaches, and technologies so it can always offer something new, exciting, and innovative to its audience. Right in this process, led by the same mission, SmartWay recognized its enormous potential and started writing its history.

Kad je u pitanju kino industrija, nudimo široku paletu usluga u suradnji s našim pouzdanim i dugogodišnjim suradnicima, a nudimo i realizaciju projekta po principu ključ u ruke:

  • Implementation of highly specialized technologies in cinemas such as 4Dx, MX4D, ScreenX
  • Projektina dokuemntacija i rješenja za kinodvorane
  • Construction of metal and wooden structures
  • High and low voltage electrical installations
  • Mechanical installations for the needs of highly specialized technologies
  • Designing and managing design lighting
  • Installation of various wall, acoustic fabrics, in different colors and with print according to investor's wishes
  • Maintenance and service of highly specialized technologies in cinemas

4D technology

4DX changes the cinematic paradigm from just Watching to Experiencing.

4D is state-of-the-art technology in the cinema industry that engages the viewer in the film with a variety of effects, creating a sense of presence in the movie. Inside the 4D hall, moving seats and environmental effects such as wind, bubbles and scent work in perfect harmony with the events on screen.

With only the best of technology, 4D moving seats equipped with motion simulators for three basic movements - up and down, left and right, and back and forward. Through a combination of these movements at various angles, a fluid and dynamic movement is created that mimics events on the canvas, such as flying or driving. A skilled team of 4D editors is the ultimate expert in maximizing the feeling of being involved in the entire movie without exceeding the limit of pleasure.


In addition to the moving seats, the hall is equipped with high-tech devices that deliver environmental effects to enhance the experience further. Such devices today already offer effects such as wind, bubbles, light, scent, water, fog, rain, snow, rain and fog, lightning, airstrikes


Screenx tehnology

270 degree vieving experience

ScreenX technology is the latest invention of the cinema industry, giving viewers a 270 ° view. This effect is achieved by combining multiple projection technology with canvas and project images. The process uses the so-called ScreenXSolution to synchronize image correction, playback, and control of an existing digital system.

The hall itself is also specifically adapted to this technology by incorporating a special fabric on the sidewalls, which serves as a decorative wall as well as a substrate for projecting the image.


Completed projects

It always seems impossimble until it’s done.

Nelson Mandela
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