Energy Consumption Monitoring System

In general

Zanima vas praćenje potrošnje električne energije i ostalih energenata, a ne znate od kuda biste krenuli – no znate da želite iscrpnu, sveobuhvatnu analizu i konkretna i učinkovita rješenja? Programski paket SmartWay je alat za praćenje, analizu, kontrolu i optimizaciju potrošnje energije u objektu te je u potpunosti prilagođen međunarodnom standardu za upravljanje energijom ISO 50 001. Odgovornim praćenjem rada sustava u realnom vremenu, izvještavanjem, alarmiranjem i pružanjem profesionalne podrške, alat SmartWay doprinijeti će smanjenju svakodnevnih troškova te tako povećati profit tvrtke. Predviđanje rada sustava na temelju izmjerenih parametara može otkriti potencijalne probleme, smanjujući udio ljudskih pogreški te rizik od pojave neželjenih scenarija. Također, alat SmartWay namijenjen je energetskim menadžerima prilikom prikupljanja informacija i donošenju logičkih odluka kako smanjiti operativne troškove te povećati pouzdanost sustava.

A systematic approach to energy issues will help to find measures and procedures aimed at reducing energy consumption. Analyzing energy consumption in real-time and at critical locations is essential to establish systematic energy management. With daily, weekly, monthly and/or annual reports that come in PDF format to the desired email address at the time and amount the user wants, relevant information will be at your fingertips.

Energy management is a systematic way to ensure continued concern for energy consumption. In order to be able to answer at all times the question of where, how, and how much energy is consumed and what energy is consumed, it is necessary to monitor energy consumption in key places.

Energy consumption analysis in realtime and on hotspots is necessary to establish systematic energy management. Analysis is made of:

  • Building selection and counters to be monitored
  • Prikupljanja podataka vezanih uz potrošnju (praćenje potrošnje električne energije, vode, loživog ulja, temperature, vlage, tlaka, CO2…),
  • Analysis of gathered data and defining the goals / expected savings
  • Interpretation of analysed data


Sustav za praćenje potrošnje elekrične energije - graf potrošnje.


Datas can be overviewed on different time level: hourly, daily, monthly and annualy. Charts are interactive and therefore certain days and hours could be selected to be analysed.

SmartWay web application allows overview of system alarms, overconsumption of electrical energy and water as well as other anomalies within system. E-mail is sent to user every time when the alarm is activated.

The System will send weekly report at monday, 8AM for the previous week and monthly report on the first day of next month also at 8AM. The outlook of weekly and monthy report are on Picture 3.1. Reports can be downloaded from the web application as well.


Sustav za praćenje potrošnje električne energije i ostalih energenata - graf potrošnje temperature.


Praćenje potrošnje električne energije i ostalih energenata - SmartWay izvještaj.Praćenje potrošnje energenata.Praćenje potrošnje električne energije.

Informational system for energy management – ISGE

SmartWay application allows data forwarding toward Informational system for energy management. ISGE in internet application for supervision and analysis of energy and water consumption in the public sector buildings and is necessary tool for systematic energy management.

The basic function of ISGE:

  • Gathering and entry of basic datas about buildings and control of consumption of energy and water on monthly, weekly and daily basis
  • Simple acces to informations about total energy and water consumption, and ways and hotspots where the energy is consumed
  • Calculations and analysis with objective to make energetic and financial savings
  • Verification of realized savings
  • Automatic warning about unwanted overuse and/or excessive consumption of energy


Gdje smo sve proveli praćenje potrošnje električne energije i ostalih energenata

Completed projects:

  • CineStar Varaždin, Split, Centar Kaptol, Pančevo, Zrenjanin, Novi Sad, Tuzla
  • LifeClass Terme Sveti Martin
  • Međimursko Veleučilište Čakovec
  • University North
  • Međimurska priroda
  • Međimurske vode
  • Economic School Čakovec
  • Elementary School Selnica
  • Students dorm of a Construction School Čakovec
  • Zadar County Building
  • Elementary School Šenkovec
  • A public institution for the development of Međimurje County REDEA


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