4Dx kina
4Dx kina pružaju sasvim novo iskustvo gledanja filma! 4Dx je najsuvremenija tehnologija u kino industriji koja gledatelja uključuje u film pomoću raznih efekata te time stvara osjećaj prisutnosti u filmu. Unutar 4DX dvorane, pokretna sjedala i efekti okoliša poput vjetra, mjehurića i mirisa rade u savršenom skladu s događanjima na ekranu.
S isključivo najboljim tehnologijama, pokretna sjedala 4Dx kina opremljena su trima osnovnim kretanjima – kretanje gore-dolje, kretanje lijevo-desno i kretanje naprijed-nazad – koja mogu rezultirati beskrajnim nizom mogućih kombinacija kako bi oponašali aktivnosti poput letenja ili vožnje. Vješti 4Dx urednici su majstori u maksimiziranju osjećaja uključenosti u cijeli film, bez da se prekorači granica ugode.
Filmovi više nisu vezani samo uz svoja vizualna i zvučna ograničenja. 4DX kina su korak naprijed u evoluciji odlaska u kino, odvodeći publiku na putovanje u cjelovečernji film. Apsolutno 4Dx iskustvo postiže se integracijom novih tehnologija, uz već postojeću projekciju na platno.
Pokretna sjedala 4Dx kina
Each seat is equiped with motion simulators and programmed for three basic motions. Through the combination of these motions, the fluid and dynamic movement is created and thus it reflect on-screen action.
4Dx efekti okoliša
Uz kretanja, dvorana je opremljena efektima okoliša kako bi dodatno poboljšala iskustvo. Efekti koje nude dvorane 4Dx kina su: pokret, vjetar, mjehurići, svjetlo, miris, voda, magla,zrak, kiša, snijeg.
SmartWay provides:
- Designing and planning within architecture, structure, electrical and mechanical installations. Our team gathers engineers with great experience, and they transform every idea into project using the modern tools.
- Equipment orders and transportation logistics. We cooperate with high-quality and renowned companies. The goods are ordered upon arrangement with the investor.
- Supervision of constructing site. We can provide logistics of bringing all materials to the construction site. We build according to the projects. We can provide supervision and day-to-day control of construction site: compliance with standards, regulations and project documents.
- Equipment installation and assembly. Opremu ugrađujemo prema najvišim standardima i propisima.
- Maintenance of 4Dx equipment. In agreement with investor, in the life span of the facility, we can provide the service of full scale maintenance.
Arena Cinemas AG – 4Dx Geneva, 4Dx Zurich, 4Dx Lugano, 4Dx Fribourg, 4Dx Zurich 2
Kinepolis Group – 4Dx Brussels, 4Dx Anwerpen, 4Dx Madrid, 4Dx Lomme, 4Dx Valencia, 4Dx Barcelona, 4Dx Hasselt, 4Dx Rocourt, 4Dx Madrid, 4Dx Gent, 4Dx Kirchberg
CineStar 4Dx – 4Dx Zagreb, 4Dx Rijeka, 4Dx Split, 4Dx Novi Sad, 4Dx Banja Luka
ScreenX kina
The movie theaters that exist for hundred years, based on the front screen, are now transforming into 3-dimensional space of experience. Through new visual communication and by creative use of 3-sided ScreenX, the audience will be able to experience new and surprising moments like never before.
What makes the difference?
- New dimension of visualization
Inexhaustible, new and amazing experiences through ScreenX, realism through wide panoramic vista.
- Nova ScreenX iskustva
„The deeper a feeling of watching the movie, the longer the experience.“
- More effects
Integrated system that combines hardware and software ScreenX solutions
ScreenX technology is globally the first one to combine multiple projection technology with screen nad project images to create new experience for audience. ScreenX Solution is integrated system which synchronizes picture rectification, reproduce and manages the whole existing digital system in the movie theater.
Arena Cinemas AG – Fribourg, Geneva, Zürich