Konnexbus (KNX) je glavni sustav automatizacije u zgradarstvu. Osamdeset posto tvrtki na tržištu nudi uređaje koji se mogu spojiti u KNX mrežu. KNX je također poznat po svom starijem imenu EIB Instabus. EIB je jedan od tri starija neovisna europska sustava automatizacije u zgradarstvu koji su spojeni 2001. godine kako bi stvorili novi sustav nazvan KNX.
System selection
Smart home and building solutions.
Global. Secure. Connected.
About the system
KNX sustav koristi modularanu tehnologiju ili jednostavnije rečeno sve komponente se slažu kao kockice. Takav pristup predstavlja neograničene mogućnosti jer u bilo koje vrijeme mrežna i kućna automatizacija mogu biti prošireni i obnovljeni što je pogodno za male ili velike projekte, renoviranje ili novogradnju. S ovakvim pristupom KNX osigurava najbolje prilagođene proizvode te osigurava najučinkovitije rješenje.
Kako funkcionira KNX sustav?
Sam sustav je vrlo jednostavno osmišljen. Sastoji se od senzora (davatelji naredbi) i aktuatora (primatelji naredbi). Komunikacija između njih utemeljena je na BUS komunikaciji, a princip rada je maksimalno pojednostavljen. Senzor (prekidač, mobitel, senzor svjetla) šalje naredbu aktuatoru da izvrši određenu radnju (paljenje, gašenje) prema konačnom uređaju (svjetlo).
Why choose a KNX system?
KNX sustav je uvijek korak ispred
The market for smart homes and buildings is constantly changing, and technology is improving rapidly. However, the latest technologies, such as the Internet of Things, are already part of the current software. Any automation solution you use today will have KNX innovation at its core. By using KNX you are always one step ahead.
Unlimited flexibility and personalization
KNX can certainly meet every customer's request. Unlimited flexibility and customization allows the client a wide range of devices and even different manufacturers to communicate with each other and integration with other automation systems. KNX is an all-in-one solution for every automation challenge.
Secure and protected system
As safety must always be at the highest level, the KNX system is constantly compliant with the highest safety requirements on the market. KNX Secure is integrated into the existing software, which takes care of the security of the system itself.
Easy installation
To facilitate system installation, there is only one system commissioning tool with a simple handling interface, ETS Inside. This software also allows the client to make small changes on their own via their smartphone or tablet thus saving both parties time.
Integrated solution
KNX offers the ability to work with different products from different equipment manufacturers. It is important to point out that the system can be connected to other systems and is independent of any hardware or software technology. This way of working is the basis for the increasingly rising IoT (Internet of Things).
KNX sustav podržava međunarodna zajednica
You are never alone with KNX because you become a member of a large KNX association that today has more than 500 members and takes care of protocol standardization. There are also more than 90,000 installation companies in 190 countries and 515 training centers worldwide. They all face the same problems as you and by sharing experiences they all win.
Authorized KNX system integrator
SmartWay d.o.o. is an authorized integrator of KNX systems in Croatia and the world. In our offer we offer design, installation of devices, interconnection, parameterization and commissioning of the system. In addition to the above, we also provide consulting services related to KNX technical solutions.
Energia positiva.
The By-me smart home system has been developed primarily for residential purposes, although it can be found in service facilities such as hotels, apartments or villas. Through the central core, the system manages all functions with great ease and the control is completely user-friendly. The system increases energy savings through distribution that prevents waste and overload. With its truly special appearance of finishing elements that are entirely up to the user's choice, it stands out from other automation systems. The experience of more than 75 years speaks of what kind of system it is.
Vimar By-me je iznimno elegantan sustav automatizacije koji omogućuje kombinaciju djelomične ili potpune automatizacije zasnovane na BUS komunikaciji i distribuiranoj logici. Sustav daje mogućnost korisniku da vrlo jednostavno upravlja pametnom kućom pri čemu se može koristiti kombinacija tipkala, pametni uređaji, računalo, tablet, ekrani osjetljivi na dodir te scenske tipke.
Vimar aplikacija
Uz ugrađeni sustav dolazi posebno razvijena te prema želji korisnika personalizirana aplikacija koja omogućuje 24-satnu kontrolu i nadzor nad sustavom. Vimar posebnu pažnju pridodaje dizajnu i izgledu svoje opreme te u ponudi nudi niz različitih linija koje se odlikuju svojom elegantnošću, širokom ponudom te iznimno visokom pouzdanošću opreme.
SmartWay d.o.o. is authorized Vimar By-me system integrator.
Confortable. Safe. Connected.
Your Future Self!
HiQ is an intuitive, connected, easy-to-use and reliable genuine smart building system, consisting of intelligent devices, software and clouds that give you complete control over your home, business or any other type of building. It is adorned with security, efficiency, comfort and freedom of evolution. HIQ has more than 25 years of extensive experience in automation behind it.
Glavna karakteristika HIQ pametnog sustava je prije svega njegova jednostavnost. Sustav se sastoji od centralne jedince, takozvanog kontrolera, te dodatnih modula koji se koriste za komunikaciju između kontrolera i uređaja kojim se želi upravljati. Mogućnosti takvog sustava su skoro pa neograničene jer se svaki uređaj programira zasebno prema individualnim željama klijenta.
Sustav koji se prilagođava vašim potrebama
Tako je moguće upravljanje rasvjetom (ON/OFF, dimanje, odabir boja), sjenilima (rolete, zavjese, tende, sjenila, projektori), pojedinačnim uređajima (lampe, ventilatori, mali kućanski aparati, bojleri, perilice rublja i posuđa, sušilice), sustavom grijanja, hlađenja i ventilacije (bojleri, dizalice topline, radijatori, podno grijanje, klima uređaji, konvektori), kontrolom pristupa (otključavanje ulaznih vratiju putem telefona, portafoni, čitači kartica, otisaka prstiju, usmjernici) te sigurnostima i alarmima (senzori pokreta, senzori za vrata i prozore, detektori dima i plina, alarmi). Svakom komponentom je moguće upravljati na više načina i to lokalno, putem IR upravljača, pametnih uređaja te scenskih tipkala.
Look for your choices, pick the best one, then go with it.