The SMARTER ISO 50 001 completed project

At the end of 2016, a pilot project SMARTER ISO 50 001 on the LifeClass Terme Sveti Martin facility was completed. Over the past 12 months, systems have been monitored at LifeClass Terme Sveti Martin, and based on this, they have proposed measures to optimize the system, including summer and winter periods, in order to obtain a complete system image. Based on the monitoring, a draft energy policy was drafted and the main guidelines that need to be key in politics. LifeClass Terme Sveti Martin in the past year has been focused on reducing electricity and gas consumption, in terms of regular business, administration and sales. Comparisons of savings were taken from January to October 2015 and 2016. Compared to 2015, overall gas consumption savings of 3.8% were achieved in 2016, and in 2016 the number of guests increased, but the average gas consumption per night decreased by 17.3%, which greatly contributed energy policy. Electricity consumption increased compared to last year. The impact on the increase has the number of guests, which increased by 16% compared to last year, which increased the work of the launder, the number of meals and the work of the kitchen by 30%. By comparing consumption in 2015 and the number of overnight stays with 2016, there is a noticeable saving of average electricity consumption of 8.4% per night in 2016. Savings of 3.8% and 8.4% achieved the project goal.

Post by admin

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